AICOL’s IELTS English Course combines the two elements required to successfully undertake a vocational or tertiary program in Australia:
- IELTS exam preparation
- Academic preparation
When you study the IELTS English Course you will learn how to:
- Clearly and accurately express facts, ideas and opinions using features of academic writing
- apply a range of reading skills in order to understand and comment on a broad range of academic texts
- understand spoken English in conversations, discussions, lectures and how to take notes
- use a range of study skills to gather, combine and critically examine information and ideas from different sources
- develop strategies to successfully sit the IELTS examination
- develop speed and comprehension in reading
- develop confidence in speaking
English Level to enter IELTS Test Preparation Course
The minimum entry level to the IELTS Test Preparation Course is upper-intermediate (equivalent to IELTS 5.0 with no sub-band less than 5.0)
- Ongoing assignments throughout the course
- Academic skills assessment tasks such as essays, debates, oral presentations and research assignments
- Regular tests on all the macro skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening
- Sitting former IELTS English tests under exam conditions
- AICOL is a Cambridge IELTS pre-test centre
- Regular reports with teacher counselling and assistance
It is well known that it is easier to learn a language with activities. AICOL provides its students occasional activities away from our school to give students the chance to meet and talk with local Australians. For example, visit a bookshop in a country village in the Gold Coast hinterland. Go fishing ….. of course you will have to learn the English to go the bait and tackle shop to buy your bait! Options to join after class Camp activities with other international students and AICOL staff – conditions apply.